Monday, October 25, 2010


I'll try my best to be brief for this entry. The past week has been an exercise in perfect dissonance. For the first time it felt as if the world wasn't falling apart. Rather, this dissonance sought to add a tasteful sense of contrast to the monotony of smooth interpersonal interactions. I spent a week in Manila to see some friends in between long stints of writing for my seemingly endless study on the life stances of music-based subculture. Chances are, you might have noticed a snootier tone with regards to my writing. I'm sorry for this.

Sometimes I wonder how I'll be able to survive there on my own. Something tells me I'll be just fine but I'm a bit apprehensive. On one hand, I missed my mother terribly while I was away but then again this is something I'll have to go through sooner or later. With my friends and the rest of my family up in the capital, I think I'm in good hands.

Things don't always go as planned but they could still be good nonetheless. I'm looking forward to the promise of shared experience, everyone. I'll see you all soon.

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