Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sometimes, I dream

Sometimes, I dream. From time to time, these dreams don't end well. Sometimes, I don't understand half of what they have to say to me. A lot of times, they only leave me hanging.

Yesterday, I woke up from a rather peculiar dream. It was in an open field with a stage set up for some band I wanted to see but could only vaguely remember. It was on a cloudy afternoon, at a location I couldn't readily describe. I was with friends and had just gotten up out of a tent to find seats close to the stage. I sat down on a chair facing the stage. One moment, I blink and all of the sudden I'm in the same place but I'm facing the other way. I'm staring everyone in the audience right in the face. It takes a while to register but when my eyes start to focus, I see hideous, ghastly faces and I scream as loud as I can.

Everything goes blank.

I wake up in some strange house, with all sorts of odds and ends that wouldn't look out of place in an episode of Tales from the Crypt. It was tense and I felt like something was after me but this was something that never really made itself known to me from within the dream itself.

I'll get back to this later. Sometimes, I dream.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really sorry. I don't want to talk about it but I know you know what I mean. I hope you know that I really am.
