Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Anchors aweigh!



If I remember correctly, that first picture was taken in September of 2008. I weighed close to 130lbs++ back then, losing around 20 pounds from my base weight of 150lbs++. In that picture I was wearing an S-size shirt. The second picture on the other hand is a picture of me from a few hours ago. It's December of 2009. I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of 157-160lbs++ now. I went up from my size 31 waistline to around 33 or 34 and my undershirt is in M. Not that I'm praising myself for being on the long winding road of being a potential fatass, but I'm glad to see that I look a lot healthier and a lot happier than I did before. Makes me feel a lot better about myself now. Goes to show, as Popsicle would say, "I can change. I'm not the same. Not forever."

NOW, I must find a way to trim down and maintain a figure I'm actually content with. :)

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