Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Letters from Santa Rosa

Tour is over and I find myself inching down the long road home. I'd like to tell myself the whole thing was a success considering we sold our Tour EP's out and played consistently well over the course of the past few days but I think it would be an injustice to say this without acknowledging the collective efforts of everyone who helped make this trip memorable. It is with a heavy heart that I say that in less than a day, all of this has to end. I know a part of myself will always keep on coming back to this point in my life. I'll have a lot of memories to keep me company before I see these people again. More than anything, I'm thankful this happened.

I would like to say a few things before going to sleep. I haven't felt like this in a long time and whereas I'm predisposed to take on things as would a hopeless romantic, this is something that just set the bar a bit higher in regards to the whole notion of where I stand on shared experience. There are so many beautiful things about you that I clearly see but couldn't readily speak of nor point out. This is ridiculous to say the least but I could say I tried to reach out to you and we do have a few hours of memory to work on. That's enough for me to work with, if I still know how to. You're forgetful, I know but for one I seriously wish you wouldn't forget this when all of the dust settles and the smoke clears. We deserve to be happy, I couldn't stress that enough. Someday, I just hope to see you happy. Friends, soulmates, everything else, I don't know what to call it. You're not just anyone to me anymore after this. All I could do now is believe and hope that I would be able to repay you somehow for everything you've done for me and the way you made me feel from the first time we spoke.

It doesn't have to be anything. Before I head home, I just want to let you know that I'm just here, admiring you from afar. I will always feel the same way I did as that first time I saw you.

This isn't goodbye.

It's never really goodbye.

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