Wednesday, May 20, 2009

On a lifetime spent waiting

now, I'll have a double everything

Well, the deed is done. Two weeks ago, we made an agreement that by sometime this week we'd take an extra step in getting to know each other by sharing our personal blogs. This Monday, we showed each other our own "secret" blogs and for the love of christ I don't think I've been that nervous in a long time. I seriously thought I'd scare her off and all but she actually felt the same way and shared the same nervous apprehension. It took a lot of guts, what we did two days ago. Being an incredibly public figure for a no-name kid in the middle of nowhere, I'm still incredibly secretive and it scares me to know that people know how I actually feel; that people could actually see through whichever front(s) I put up to keep the rest of the world at bay. That's another story though. Moving on, I see nothing but good things ahead and for as long as it takes, I'll work at her pace. This is definitely worth the wait and the Carpenters are singing in my ear again. I'm actually smiling again and I'm smiling more often. She's afraid to keep me waiting but then again, when you've spent your whole life waiting you don't really have much to lose.

Thinking about it, why shouldn't I give this everything I've got? We've got the rest of our lives until forever anyway.

I'll see you again tonight, though.

"We've only just begun..."- The Carpenters